Saturday, October 5, 2019

D20 x D8 x D8 General Spell Components.

A very general list of spell components so your casters can still make use of them without them being so absurdly specific the only way they'll ever find them is if you throw them in their faces.


  1. Eyes
  2. Tongue
  3. Tail
  4. Nail clippings
  5. Droppings/scat
  6. Urine
  7. Blood
  8. Valor Tail - the unshorn braid of a warrior
  9. Horns
  10. Heart
  11. Tusks
  12. Exotic Leaf
  13. Ashes from the burning of a sacred space or artifact
  14. Petrified wood
  15. Vialed breath
  16. Common nuisance flower
  17. “Pretty” flower
  18. Saliva
  19. Common mineral or gem
  20. Roll twice more and twice where necessary below

  1. A pinch
  2. A thimbleful
  3. An open palms worth
  4. A fist sized quantity
  5. A large coin purse worth
  6. A small bucket full
  7. A medium chest full
  8. An entire wagons worth

  1. Human
  2. Elf
  3. Dwarf
  4. Mammalian predator or prey
  5. Reptilian predator or prey
  6. Avian predator or prey
  7. Aquatic predator or prey
  8. A magical creature

Also, my Drugs Post has been updated to it's newest version and professionally edited by the wonderful Fiona Maeve Geist.

I also have a Patreon and a Ko-Fi now if you want to show your support monetarily.